Midlife Overload

When it comes to midlife, everyone has an opinion so now what?

Midlife is the time period between the ages of 40 and 65, and can be a time of turmoil for women. During this time, women may experience biological changes, family issues, work problems, death, securing finances, and reaching personal goals. Midlife is also a vulnerable window for hormone-sensitive conditions. Navigating midlife health & wellness information can be overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you sort through the noise:

Focus on Credible Sources:

  • Talk to your doctor: They know your medical history and can give personalized advice and if not, its OKAY to find a new one or get a second or third opinion. Not everyone is up-to-date, remember most medical doctors are just trying to “save lives” not optimize lives.
  • Reputable medical organizations: Societies like The North American Menopause Society is a professional organization of health care providers around the world who are doing their best to being menopause into the conversation of healthcare.

Be Wary of Quick Fixes and Fads:

  • Promises that sound too good to be true, probably are: no one pill or shake can do the “trick”.
  • Supplements aren’t magic bullets: Discuss any supplements with your doctor/healthcare provider before taking them. Once you start, you need to really take into account how you’re doing and feeling. It’s not a one size fits all.

Prioritize Evidence-Based Practices:

  • Lifestyle changes like healthy eating, regular exercise, and stress management are crucial for overall health. As we age, we need less calories, we are no longer growing up, just out, which isn’t ideal.
  • There’s no one-size-fits-all approach: Find what works best for you in terms of exercise, diet, and stress management. So many options out there, have fun with it, try them all, who knows what will stick. What you liked as a kid may be new again, be open to change. That is a great thing about midlife, you can try everything again and old things become new again!
  • Be your own advocate: Make sure to stay in tune with your body with regular tests such as VO2 Max, Dexa scans, various blood test helping you manage everything from cholesterol to inflammation markers to genetic predispositions.

Embrace a Holistic Approach:

  • Midlife health goes beyond physical well-being. Consider your mental and emotional health too. Taking time to stop and smell the roses, getting sunlight first thing in the morning, walking barefoot in the grass or on the beach are all self care practices that are free and in abundance to partake.
  • Prioritize sleep: It impacts everything from energy levels to mood. Using a device to track and record your sleep in important to balancing it and truly getting a great night’s sleep. Check out Oura Ring https://ouraring.com/ or the Whoophttps://www.whoop.com/us/en/ both great at helping you balance your vices.


  • You don’t have to do everything perfectly.
  • Find your tribe, it may take some time, but put yourself out there.
  • Small, sustainable changes can make a big difference.
  • Consistency is key.
  • Make midlife fun, like a game where you are always the winner!
