If you Create the Game, You Create the Rules

Start with the end in mind…

Midlife can be a perfect time to take charge of your life and create a “game plan” with your own set of rules, ensuring you reach the goals that matter to you.

When meeting with clients, I always make point to start with a little self-reflection. It seems to make most sense and usually works out the best if you first identify your goals. What do you want to achieve in the next stage of your life? Consider your fitness goals, career aspirations, travel dreams, or relationship priorities. Then take stock of your resources, such as what skills, experience, and resources do you already have that can help you achieve your goals? This is where honesty is the best policy. Finally, we evaluate your current situation by utilizing the Circle of Life Tool and get to the root of what areas in your life that feel unbalanced or unfulfilling.

Then we create your game plan by setting SMART goals. What are SMART goals? It’s a way to make your goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Let’s break down big goals into smaller steps to make your goals feel less overwhelming and more manageable. Prioritize your goals by deciding which goals are most important to you and tackle them first, (A, B, C, etc.) It’s best to play devil’s’ advocate by identifying potential challenges and anticipate roadblocks and then create strategies to overcome them. We have to build in flexibility, Plan B if you will because life throws curveballs, so allow for adjustments to your plan as needed.

Finally you are making the rules, you are in charge. Embrace self-care by prioritize your physical and mental well-being. This provides the foundation for achieving your goals. A very important part of being in charge is learning how to set boundaries and learning to say no to things that drain your time and energy and don’t align with your plan “energy vampires” (thanks Meg). Challenge limiting beliefs because if you say or think you can’t do it, you are right! Don’t let negative self-talk hold you back. If you don’t celebrate your progress, who will? Remember you make the game, you make the rules. Acknowledge and reward yourself for every milestone achieved, no matter how small. Every good “BOSS” knows one thing and that’s they don’t know EVERYTHING. Seek support by surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people who believe in you and your goals.

Remember, this is your game plan, so tailor the rules to fit your unique situation and preferences. By taking charge and designing your own path, you can navigate your midlife years with purpose and fulfillment.
